Well we just got home a little bit ago from Ava's first check-up with the pediatrician. She looks and sounds great. When she was born, her weight was 7 lbs 10.4 oz. When we were discharged from the hospital, she weighed 7 lbs 3 oz. Today, she was 7 lbs 15 oz! So she is definitely eating well and gaining healthily. And she is sleeping really well too... During the day she nurses about every 3 hours or so and at night it's about every 5-6 hours. So I really only have one middle of the night feeding, which is
very nice. She's such a content baby... she pretty much only cries when she's hungry (and SCREAMS if I change her diaper before feeding her when she's already crying, hehe). Well Mom, Ava, the pups, and I are about to take an air mattress nap in the living room. :) More updates to come...
She is adorable!!!! Glad to hear she is doing so well. Love, Beverly
Caitlyn was a chunker but she wasn't gaining weight like Ava is and was eating more often! That's awesome for you!!! Those late night feedings were not so long ago but they seem to be very far in the past. Sounds like you have a great baby and things will only get easier. She's absolutely beautiful!!!
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