Monday, May 23, 2016

BBQ Chicken

So I made some BBQ chicken in the crock pot today because I had some for lunch after church yesterday and it sounded great again. I enjoyed a nice bowl of it while I hung out with the girls playing in the play room. And then, boom, the tinge of nausea I had been feeling all day felt majorly magnified. I threw up all that great chicken within 10 minutes of eating it! @#$^&!




On a better note, though, I actually haven't been TOO terribly sick lately. I feel mostly normal in the morning (thanks to the Unisom I've been taking before bed?), a little queasy in the afternoon, and then definitely nauseated (sometimes vomiting) from the early evening until I fall asleep finally at night. This "schedule" of "morning" sickness actually works quite well for our family as I'm able to function during the day with the kids and Richard is able to take over anything related to food/feeding the kids in the evenings. He has been such a champ to get home from a long day of work and make dinner, give baths, etc while I'm down every night. As much as I am of course looking forward to being past the sickness for myself, I'm also looking forward to taking that load back off his shoulders and get back to better home life maintenance.

I have my first real see the midwife or doctor appointment tomorrow morning and I am definitely looking forward to it. We still haven't told the kids about this baby on the way and I'm really hoping I will get an early ultrasound so I'll have a picture to show them when we share the news. I can't wait to see their reactions!

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