Congratulations to Jordan and Stephanie! Their baby boy Jaden Lee Seckinger was born at 5:20am on Wednesday 1/19/11 weighing 7lbs 8oz. Stephanie had a smooth labor and delivery and Jaden is absolutely perfect. That means we are Uncle Richard, Aunt Danelle, and Cousin Ava now... Somehow becoming an aunt was almost more surreal to me than becoming a mom was. I guess because Jordan is permanently in about 9th grade in my mind, hehe.

in the waiting room

Stephanie and Jaden
We were at the hospital all night (you never know how long things will take, so we just stayed). Ava did great playing for a good while and then sleeping about 4 hours in the family waiting area. A very nice perk to being there and getting to visit with Jordan and Stephanie during the labor (AFTER the epidural, hehe) and then after Jaden was born was that I got to see exactly where I will be going and how everything works at that hospital for when I go in to have Baby #2. It's a nice place and I feel good knowing what things are like there.
I had an OB appointment this morning and saw one of the nurse practitioners again. I have been having a lot of low back pain and pressure and more than usual Braxton Hicks contractions the last few days so I was anxious to be seen. She checked me and said my cervix is still closed and thick so that is very good. She also had me do a Non-Stress Test for about 20-30 minutes to monitor Baby's heartrate and any contractions and I only had one contraction during that time, which is also good. Baby's heartrate is in the the 140s, my blood pressure was 102/70, my belly is measuring on track, and I've gained about 22 lbs. So things are rolling along and I have my next appointment in 2 weeks and will be seeing one of the doctors I haven't seen yet (although I did meet her at the hospital Wednesday; she delivered Jaden).
Two big prayer requests: 1) that I stay on this okay track and don't go into preterm labor for any reason... and 2) that Richard will be here for the labor and delivery. Here's my 32 week picture: