Well our time home together is all too quickly coming to an end. :( Richard will be heading back to Iraq and Ava and I will be just us two again. We went to church this morning, which was great, and are now trying to figure out what to do today to take full advantage of our last full day together. We have taken some great pictures and truly have had some great quality time together, which I am SO thankful for. I can't believe the two weeks is up so soon! Time is such a funny thing though. In some ways it feels like Richard just got here and in other ways it feels like he never left. We are both SO looking forward to him coming home at the END of this deployment so we can resume our family life. Please say a prayer for Richard as he travels back to Iraq and finishes up his time there. And pray for Ava and me that we will keep growing, learning, and playing while we wait for our husband and daddy to come home again! :)
Enjoy this last day together. I can't imagine what it must feel like to know he's leaving again for the rest of the deployment. We'll be praying for Richard as well as you and Ava. :)
My heart aches for all of you. I just said a prayer and will continue to lift you up to the arms of Jesus daily! You are a beautiful family. I love you all, Beverly
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