Well I filled in as a substitute teacher 4 out of 5 days this week and ran errands on my off day. I can feel a definite difference in my body as far as physical energy and stamina after this week. I don't think I mentioned it in my last post, but at my last appointment my weight was up about 16 or 17 pounds from my pre-pregnancy normal. So I guess it makes sense that after being on my feet all day with a strange distribution of all that extra weight, my feet and back are tired and aching (although I have not experienced any swelling yet). I know it will only get worse (and I will have to make myself rest a little more) as baby and I continue to grow... I guess it just feels a little overwhelming because these unpleasantries came on pretty quickly - just in the last week and a half or so. I read somewhere that women have to get more and more uncomfortable until eventually by the end of the pregnancy they would do anything to be "unpregnant," otherwise they wouldn't have the grit and determination to go through the labor and delivery process. I think at this rate I will be ready to do anything to get this little rascal into the world. :)
In other news, there will be a Deployment Ceremony next Tuesday... and then Richard will be leaving in about 2 weeks. They are trained up and prepared and are overall ready to go. I don't know that it has fully hit me yet... I feel like I'm as mentally and otherwise prepared as I can be but I think emotions may run wild when I actually drive him to their point of departure. Prayers please!!!
Okay I guess that's all for now... more to come in the near future! ~Danelle
Friday, September 26, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
27 Weeks!

Evet (Richard's mom) is here! She flew in Thursday afternoon and will be heading home Sunday afternoon. I had another appointment yesterday and she and Richard both came with me. Everything looks and sounds great as usual. Baby Girl's heartrate is around 170 bpm, and my measurements correspond just right with how far along I am (pubic bone to top of uterus in inches is about equal to how many weeks pregnant I am). I will be going to the lab next week to do my glucose testing so that should be fun. My midwife also gave me an adjustable support belt which will help with the low back and pelvic discomfort I've been experiencing during exercise and long days of substituting. Oh yeah, AND I got 2 pairs of maternity pants that are comfy and cute! Now that it's getting cooler, my capris and shorts are just not cutting it anymore. And I won't be able to get away with wearing long shirts over my rubberband closed, unzipped regular pants for much longer, hehe. Richard is still scheduled to deploy sometime in the beginning of October... so we went and got a video camera yesterday to record all the momentous occassions he will not be here to witness during Baby's first year. The camera's really cool and I will be able to send him videos and pictures via email while he's gone. :) I know it's been too long since the last belly picture - I've been trying to do every 2-3 weeks and now it's been 4... oops... Anyway, here's my 27 week picture! Love you all! ~Danelle
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
25+ Weeks and Feeling Great!
So I'm about 25 1/2 weeks today and feel awesome. I've still been walking almost daily and have been trying to continue eating healthy. I have an appointment with my midwife next Friday, so we'll see where my weight gain is at that point. Here's what's happening in this 26th week according to my What to Expect When You're Expecting book: "Your baby now weighs a full 2 pounds and measures in at 9+ inches long (crown to rump = head to butt). Your baby's eyes are beginning to open. The eyelids have been fused for the past few months (so the retina could develop). So, your baby is now able to see -- though there's not much to see in the dark confines of her uterine home. But with the heightened sense of sight and hearing that your baby now possesses, you may notice an increase in activity when your baby sees a bright light or hears a loud noise." Amazing, isn't it? And speaking of activity, Baby's movements have changed in the last week or so too. I am still feeling little jolting kicks and punches but am also feeling more complete movements across my belly. This morning I felt what I think was a foot move like 4 or 5 inches across me. I love this baby girl so much already! I can't believe I'll be meeting her in about 3 months!
Bad Foods: none really (besides ones that I normally don't care for)
Cravings: CEREAL!!!
Exercise: walking 30-45 minutes most days
Daddy: excited :) - still deploying in early October :(
Bad Foods: none really (besides ones that I normally don't care for)
Cravings: CEREAL!!!
Exercise: walking 30-45 minutes most days
Daddy: excited :) - still deploying in early October :(
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