Ava is doing awesome! She is nursing well, getting stronger, and is starting to focus more on objects and faces. She is so much fun (except for when she's up for hours at a time in the middle of the night, hehe)! We're still waiting to hear when Richard will be coming home for R&R. Right now it's still sounding like February or March. In the meantime I email him pictures every day and have mailed him some printed pictures as well. Ava is changing so fast - I want Richard to be able to "see" her through the changes. We've been able to video chat with the webcam a couple times too. It's nice to see him and hear him at the same time.
I'm planning on making a trip to Georgia as soon as I can. Right now I'm just waiting for Richard to find out exactly when he's coming home for R&R so I can decide on exactly when I can drive out. It's going to be a long trip (bringing BB and Pancake too) but I know I can do it. I can't wait for you all to meet little Ava!